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Monday, January 13, 2014

Lofty goals for 2014 - Are you living the life you want to?


If you follow me on Instagram, you saw this post in the new year.  I have never been one to really follow through with resolutions.  I vowed to exercise more times than I can recall, but never really followed through, because this, as well as my other resolutions, were empty promises.  While this years' resolutions are lofty goals for a city-loving girl who loves to shop, I do realize that my approach to life has sometimes left me feeling dull. Focused on wanting  new clothes when my closet is full, wanting to live in a warmer climate, instead of appreciating the beauty of my surroundings, and focused on thinking that a slimmer waistline will drastically improve my life, instead of appreciating the fact that I was given a fully functioning body that can take me where I want to go without too many limitations.   
So here are five things that I have done so far in order to stay on track:
1. I have found one thing each day that I love about winter - even when the temperatures reached -30c (a biggie for me!)
2. When the weather, and all the fashion blogs I read, make me crave a shopping outing, I shop my closet, bake something or accomplish a task that I have been postponing for a while.
3. Showed more appreciation towards my husband and kids. Instead of nit picking at what they haven't done, I thank them for what they have.
4. I have planned a few DYI projects that will up cycle things we have and prevent me from purchasing new ones.
5. Searched the internet for homemade beauty and cleaning products in order to waste and consume less.
What steps  are you taking in order to keeps your resolutions or live the life you want to live?  Let me know, I'm always happy to know what you guys are up to! 
Thanks for reading!


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