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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fig and Pear Chia pudding

I usually have a green smoothie for breakfast, but once a week I eat a chia pudding.  It is one of my favorite breakfasts!  I usually make it sweet and love it's tapioca like texture, which is a nice break from the smoothie. 
This week I decided I would make it even more special and treat myself to some fresh figs (I usually have the dried ones which are so much cheaper (fresh figs are usually around 1.60$ each around these parts, so it gets expensive quickly!).  Fig are my favorite fruit to pair and they are  as delicious in a salad dressing as on a pizza with arugula and red onions. 
When paired with pears, the bitterness of the pear perfectly tames the sweetness of the fig.  I also added a banana for extra smoothness. 

Fig Pear Banana Chia Pudding
2 black figs
1 frozen pear (it doesn't matter which kind, but Bosc would be perfect)
1 Banana
1 cup milk
1/4 cup chia seeds
Thaw pear for approximately 30 minutes.  (I freeze my pears "as is" and take them out as needed.  When I thaw them, I place them in a small bowl so that I can reuse the juice in my recipes.  Once thawed, simply pull apart and remove heart.)  Place pear and skin, figs and banana in blender and puree.
Place chia seeds in mason jar or air-tight container.  Add milk and fruit puree and mix.  Let sit for  15 minutes and stir again, making sure there are no lumps left.  Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight or for at least 30 minutes.
Serve and enjoy!

I usually do this as I am doing dishes and preparing the kids school snacks after dinner, so it is easy to thaw pear and do all steps accordingly.
Thanks for reading!

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